Hello. My name is David Allen Roy and I am the founder of America's Construction Experts, America's Private Investments, and a Licensed Indiana Real Estate Broker.
I bought my first home at the age of 20.
Blessed to have an amazing mentor that taught me about buying investment property.
Attained my mortgage brokers license to learn the best ways to buy.
At the age of 22, I flipped my first property.
By 25, I had 15 rentals, and living in a beautiful 4,800 Sq. Ft. Home.
By the Finance Gurus definition, I was financially free.
In 2007 I come home and check the mailbox.
Nothing but letters from all the mortgage companies.
Open, every single property the taxes went up at least 400%.
Over $50,000 due in 30-days.
Didn't know it, but the county did a tax reassessment.
You may remember this?
Desperately start the process of refinancing all the properties.
None of the houses were valued over $100k and stuck with $400 plus monthly tax escrow.
Even after refinancing, the minimum property, $350.00 per month in negative cashflow, x 15.
2008 hits... The economy tanks.
Much like most Americans, I become upside down nearly overnight. I couldn't sell my investments because the market crashed. All the work, gone. I am 27-years of age...destitute.
I grew up poor, blue collar, and my parents worked three jobs to support our family.
All I wanted was to change our families legacy and give back to my parents and I was doing it!
Then, life changed at that mailbox, in one day.
Asked my dad to lunch and told him what was going on. This was his response,
"David, you've owned more houses than our entire family. I can't tell you what to do, but I will say this, we honor our commitments."
"We honor our commitments"...lingering on his words, I knew this man raised me so that Bankruptcy was not an option. Not now, not ever.
15 families I had to sit down and say, I am so sorry.
I called every bank and asked, where do I mail your keys?
By the end of 2008, I am $450,000 in default debt, homeless, no car, nothing...
I bounced around for a few years.
I couldn't hold a job because the creditors came after every dollar I made.
My father passes. My first son is born.
Literally looking at my weeks old son crying, no money for diapers, food, formula, and living off of government assistance. I looked up at the sky and asked God, Why?
With tears streaming down my face I felt like the biggest loser on planet Earth.
I heard a voice. The voice said, "Get back in it."
I had $87.00 to my name.
On July 29, 2011 I took my last $87.00 and I formed America's Construction Experts.
Started this company with absolutely nothing.
10+ years later we've serviced over 700 Clients and $15 Million Dollars in Business.
Pandemic hits. Inflation. Recession.
Everyone I know is struggling in some way.
How can I give back?
How can what I went through truly help other people?
When I was buying the properties in my early 20's I had to purchase rentals, because I did not have the means to flip. I did one, but lucky deal and happen stance really. I could afford the down payment to buy the houses, but left me with no money to do the rehab.
Are banks easy to get loans for the home purchase and rehab?
Probably laughing right, heck no!
What if I could help 20-year old me succeed, without the bank?
Specializing in bathrooms, kitchens, and basements, I don't know why, but our average clientele is 55 and higher. So many clients we start with one project and before you know it, we remodel the entire house. Beautiful work and the homes we remodel are setting the market value in these neighborhoods. Clients profiting huge sums and making their neighborhoods better! They are well off to be able to do the remodeling.
What if I could help the people that are not well off?
What if I could help people like Eva?
What if I could help people maximize their retirement?
What about the people with limited contacts?
They don't know a good home remodeling contractor, or a real estate agent to list & sell it, or anyone to turn to for the funds to get the most equity from their home.
What if we came up with a complete program to help these people...people like my mom, my dad, my grandparents, 27 year old me, my son, my young family...
A one-source destination to succeed.
Real Estate gurus preach, get rich in real estate by utilizing other peoples money.
But for the average person like me, wants to know, "Where do you get this money?"
So I formed America's Private Investments.
Made the entire program a no-brainer for everyone.
I mean, depending on credit or heck our no credit options,
we charge only 9-18% to use our money.
No one is offering this help!
Not only this, but how about no money out of your pocket....
Pay us when you get paid, at the closing table...where everyone wins.
It took over 20-years of learning to create the "Remodel to Sell Program".
Turning to God and trusting His Guidance created over 700 successful remodels.
Sleepless nights attaining my brokers license.
Attorneys and accountants to create America's Private Investments.
From the bottom of my heart it took me losing everything I had to have the right mental outlook to bring you this program. A passion I have to make wealth and security attainable to those that really want it....those that need it.
When you have absolutely nothing ... all you have is a hand to give.
This is the Remodel to Sell Program.